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Contributions to the Jobstats platform and its tools are welcome. To work with the code, build a Conda environment:

$ conda create --name jds-env python=3.12     \
                              pandas          \
                              pyarrow         \
                              pytest-mock     \
                              ruff            \
                              blessed         \
                              requests        \
                              pyyaml          \
                              mkdocs-material \
                              -c conda-forge -y


Be sure that the tests are passing before making a pull request:

(jds-env) $ pytest

Static Checking

Run ruff and make sure it is passing for each source file modified:

(jds-env) $ ruff check


The documentation is generated with Material for MkDocs. To build and serve the documentation:

(jds-env) $ mkdocs build
(jds-env) $ mkdocs serve
# open a web browser