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GPU-Hours at 0% Utilization

This alert sends emails to users that have consumed GPU-hours at 0% utilization. It can also be used to generate a report of these users for system administrators.

Here is an example report:

$ job_defense_shield --zero-util-gpu-hours

                           Zero Utilization GPU-Hours
       User   0%-GPU-Hours  Jobs                     JobID                    
1     u20461      397        16           60458831,60460188,60478799,60479839+
2     u99704      196         8           60552976,60552983,60552984,60552985+
3     u04204       62        39           60457297,60457395,60457408,60460181+
4     u39983       32        40           60419086,60419088,60419089,60419090+
5     u93550       22         6           60423037,60423668,60424743,60425344+
6     u92847       17         5           60516409,60516469,60516554,60516718+
7     u18225       17        17           60461780,60467419,60467445,60487739+
8     u99455        9         4            60475110,60496234,60496390,60554903
9     u30193        8         2                            60424873,60444734_0
10    u62696        7        13    60422906,60540828_18,60545878_8,60545878_9+
   Cluster: della
Partitions: gpu, llm
     Start: Thu Sept 1, 2025 at 08:00 AM
       End: Thu Sept 8, 2025 at 12:37 PM

The table above shows that user u20461 consumed 397 GPU-hours at 0% utilization. Four of the sixteen JobID's are shown.

Configuration File

Below is an example entry for config.yaml:

  cluster: della
    - gpu
    - llm
  min_run_time: 0               # minutes
  gpu_hours_threshold_user: 24  # hours
  gpu_hours_threshold_admin: 0  # hours
  max_num_jobid: 4              # count
    - u12345
    - u98765

The parameters are explained below:

  • cluster: Specify the cluster name as it appears in the Slurm database. One cluster name per alert. Use multiple zero-util-gpu-hours alerts for multiple clusters.

  • partitions: Specify one or more Slurm partitions. The number of GPU-hours is summed over all partitions. Use multiple alerts to change this behavior.

  • min_run_time: Minutes number of minutes that a job must have ran to be considered.

  • gpu_hours_threshold_user: Only users with greater than or equal to this number of GPU-hours at 0% utilization will receive an email. One should adjust this value based on the choice of the --days option. For --days=7, a reasonble choice is gpu_hours_threshold: 25.

  • gpu_hours_threshold_admin: Only users with greater than or equal to this number of GPU-hours at 0% utilization will appear in the report for administrators.

  • max_num_jobid: Maximum number of JobID's to show for a given user. If the number of jobs per user is greater than this value then a "+" character is appended to the end of the list.

  • excluded_users: (Optional) List of users to exclude from receiving emails. These users will still appear in reports for system administrators when --report is used.

  • user_emails_bcc: (Optional) The emails sent to users will also be sent to these administator emails. This applies when the --email option is used.

  • report_emails: (Optional) Reports will be sent to these administator emails. This applies when the --report option is used.

For jobs that allocate multiple GPUs, only the GPU-hours for the GPUs at 0% utilization are included.

Below is second example entry for config.yaml:

  cluster: stellar
    - h100
  min_run_time: 30               # minutes
  gpu_hours_threshold_user: 24   # hours
  gpu_hours_threshold_admin: 12  # hours
  max_num_jobid: 3               # count

For the configuration above, only jobs that ran for 30 minutes or more are considered. Users will receive an email (when --email-users is used) if they consumed 24 GPU-hours or more at 0% utilization. System administrators will see users in the report (using --email-admins) that consumed 12 GPU-hours or more. The JobID will be shown for up to three jobs per user. Notice that the optional settings (excluded_users, user_emails_bcc, report_emails) are omitted in the YAML entry.

How to Write Your Email File

You have these quanities available to you:

Dear u20461:

Over the past 7 days you have ran 16 jobs on Della that have burnt
97 GPU-hours at 0% utilization. Here are the jobid's:


Please investigate the reason for the GPUs not being used.


Email users about GPU-hours at 0% utilization:

$ job_defense_shield --zero-util-gpu-hours --days=7 --email

Send a report to system administrators by email:

$ job_defense_shield --zero-util-gpu-hours --days=7 --report

If you are looking to automatically jobs running a 0% GPU utilization then see this section.

If you are looking for finding users with low but non-zero GPU utilization then see the low GPU utilization alert.